Aldebaran - Tome 2 the group - Léo - Librairie Eyrolles
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Aldebaran - Tome 2 the group
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Aldebaran - Tome 2 the group

Aldebaran - Tome 2 the group

The group

Léo - Collection Characters

96 pages, parution le 20/11/2008


We return to Aldebaran, the planet where the first human colony in the solar system was founded. Mark and Kim, teenagers whose village was annihilated, have met a woman named Alexia during their escape. She is a biologist and a friend of Driss, the man who knows a lot about the catastrophe.Alexia shares Driss's secrets. The government is very interested in her and sends soldiers to pursue her. While trying to help her, Mark is arrested and languishes in prison for 3 years. It's the mysterious Mr. Pad, an odd character Mark has already met, who helps him escape from prison.

This two-volume book includes "The Photo."

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Cinebook
Auteur(s) Léo
Collection Characters
Parution 20/11/2008 21/01/2013
Nb. de pages 96 -
Format 18.5 x 25.7 -
Couverture Relié -
Poids 230g -
Contenu - ePub
EAN13 9781905460700 9781849189019
ISBN13 978-1-905460-70-0 -


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