Vitamin c - Clay and ceramic in contemporary art - Lilley Clare - Librairie Eyrolles

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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Vitamin c

Vitamin c

Clay and ceramic in contemporary art

Lilley Clare - Collection F a general

304 pages, parution le 05/10/2017


Vitamin C celebrates the revival of clay as a material for contemporary visual artists, featuring a wide range of global talent as selected by the world's leading curators, critics, and art professionals. Clay and ceramics have in recent years been elevated from craft to high art material, with the resulting artworks being coveted by collectors and exhibited in museums around the world. Packed with illustrations, Vitamin C is a vibrant and incredibly timely survey - the first of its kind.
- Artists include: Caroline Achaintre, Ai Weiwei, Aaron Angell, Edmund de Waal, Theaster Gates, Marisa Merz, Ron Nagle, Gabriel Orozco, Grayson Perry, Sterling Ruby, Thomas Schütte, Richard Slee, Jesse Wine, Betty Woodman.
Nominators include: Pablo León de la Barra, Iwona Blazwick, Mary Ceruti, Dan Fox, Jens Hoffmann, Christine Macel, James Meyer, Jed Morse, Beatrix Ruf, Patrizia Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Nancy Spector, Sheena Wagstaff, Jonathan Watkins.
Key Selling Points - The latest addition to the critically acclaimed and coveted Vitamin series - with more than a quarter of a million copies sold since the first publication of Vitamin P in 2002 - Taps into the current global trend toward celebrating and collecting ceramic art - one of the world's most accessible mediums - A selection that readers can trust - 102 artists nominated by leading experts from the field - Specially commissioned texts about each artist accompany illustrations of their work - Introductory essay on the wider context of clay in art by Clare Lilley, director of programme at Yorkshire Sculpture Park and curator of Frieze London Sculpture Park

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Phaidon
Auteur(s) Lilley Clare
Collection F a general
Parution 05/10/2017
Nb. de pages 304
Format 25.5 x 29.5
Couverture Relié
Poids 1968g
EAN13 9780714874609


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