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James Goodwin

James Goodwin

Biographie de James Goodwin

James Goodwin writes and lectures on the art markets and antique furniture. His writing has appeared in The Economist, the Financial Times and the European edition of The Wall Street Journal, as well as numerous art and antiques magazines. He has an MA in art history, an MBA, and is currently conducting research for a PhD in the Culture Department at Maastricht University in the Netherlands.

Livres de James Goodwin

Résultats : 1 à 1 sur 1 livre

Les livres de James Goodwin sont disponibles dans les rayons suivants

Entreprise & Droit Enseignement Maths pour économie, gestion et finance
Entreprise & Droit Finance - Comptabilité Capital investissement
Entreprise & Droit Création d'entreprise Immobilier
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