Chemical and Biological Warfare - Eric Croddy - Librairie Eyrolles
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Chemical and Biological Warfare
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Chemical and Biological Warfare

Chemical and Biological Warfare

A Comprehensive Survey for the Concerned Citizen

Eric Croddy

306 pages, parution le 27/02/2002


It's now clear that certain groups around the world are fabricating, stockpiling, and unfortunately using chemical and biological armaments. Words that in the not-too-distant past were obscure and seldom heard -- anthrax, smallpox, sarin -- have become impossible to avoid.
Without playing on fears, Eric Croddy uses his extensive knowledge of the technology and history of chemical and biological warfare (CBW) to provide:
- A comprehensive run-down of key CBW agents, with thorough explanations of their chemical or biological characteristics and their effects on humans.
- A realistic overview of what can be done to address threats of CBW attacks, including extensive discussions of how vaccines have been and should be used.
- A careful analysis of the changing tactics of terrorists, and the role CBW armaments may play in their plans.
- An up-to-date assessment of the current state of CBW proliferation -- who has these weapons, and who is likely to use them.
In clear, non-alarmist language, Croddy provides a detailed survey of the key issues related to chemical and biological warfare. He extensively details known chemical and biological agents, describes how they are weaponized, considers the roles they have played in history, and evaluates the actual risk of their being used in today's highly charged geopolitical climate. For the reader who wants solid and level-headed information on the current state of CBW affairs and the likelihood of proliferation, this is an indispensable volume.


Gas, Bugs, and Common Sense

  • The Fog of War
  • Who Has These Weapons ?
  • Threat and Responses
Chemical Agents
  • Basic Concepts
  • Chemical Warfare : A Brief History
  • Control and Disarmament
Biological Agents
  • Basic Concepts
  • Biological Warfare : A Brief Histoty
  • Control and Disarmament
  • Vaccination and Biological Warfare

L'auteur - Eric Croddy

Eric Croddy is a Senior Research Associate at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California. His area of focus is chemical and biological warfare, and his research has taken him to the Far East and the former Soviet Union. He is a sought-after expert on CBW weapons, and has discussed armaments issues on CBS, The Fox News Network, and National Public Radio; he has also written extensively for Jane's Intelligence Review.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Copernicus Books
Auteur(s) Eric Croddy
Parution 27/02/2002
Nb. de pages 306
Format 16 x 24
Couverture Relié
Poids 695g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780387950761
ISBN13 978-0-387-95076-1


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