Summary: what the customer wants you to know - Businessnews Publishing - Librairie Eyrolles
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Summary: what the customer wants you to know
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Summary: what the customer wants you to know

Summary: what the customer wants you to know

Review and analysis of charan's book

Businessnews Publishing - Collection Business book summaries

42 pages, parution le 16/09/2016


The must-read summary of Ram Charan's book: "What the Customer Wants You to Know: How Everybody Needs to Think About Sales Differently".

This complete summary of the ideas from Ram Charan's book "What the Customer Wants You to Know" reveals that the traditional sales process is broken. Customers today have so many choices that if all you focus on is price, the only thing you can do is keep lowering your prices until it gets to a stage where you're not making enough money to stay in business. In this book, the author explains that a new approach to selling is needed, called "value creation selling". This summary demonstrates what this approach entails and how you can use it to develop customer relationships that deepen over time and make it difficult for customers to switch to someone else.

Added-value of this summary:
- Save time
- Understand key concepts
- Expand your knowledge

To learn more, read "What the Customers Want You to Know" and discover the key to attracting and retaining customers in today's overcrowded marketplace.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Busi Book Sum
Auteur(s) Businessnews Publishing
Collection Business book summaries
Parution 16/09/2016 12/11/2014
Nb. de pages 42 15
Format 12 x 18 -
Couverture Broché -
Poids 53g -
Contenu - ePub
EAN13 9782511048429 9782511022337


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