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Apache Tomcat security handbook
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Apache Tomcat security handbook

Apache Tomcat security handbook

Vivek Chopra, Ben Galbraith, Gotham Polisetty, Brian P. Rickabaugh, John Turner

230 pages, parution le 01/07/2003


Tomcat is the official reference implementation for Java servlet and JSP technologies, and has long been heralded as an excellent platform for the development and deployment of powerful web applications. It can either run as a stand-alone server or integrate with the Apache web server to add more power to its serving capability.

With more and more Tomcat servers finding their way into production, there is a need for Tomcat servers to run with a secure policy, and in that respect, security is becoming more of an imperative than a policy definition. A definitive security policy is a benchmark for analyzing the amount of trust that you can place on JSP pages, web applications, and the permissions that you can grant them. It is also your best line of defense against the potential vulnerabilities that can be targeted by Trojan Java packages, JSP tag libraries, and web applications.

This book is targeted at Tomcat developers who are either contemplating the use of Tomcat for production-level deployment, or have already embraced this promising option. Readers of this book need a working knowledge of Java web applications and must be competent with JSPs and servlets.


  • Understanding Tomcat Security
  • Tightening the File System Screws
  • Java Security Manager
  • Security Realms
  • Secure Sockets and Tomcat
  • Application Security
  • Appendix
  • Index

L'auteur - Vivek Chopra

Vivek has extensive experience in software design and development. He has worked on a range of technologies, including compilers, programming tools, middleware and XML/Web Services. He has authored a number of books on Web Service technologies and on Apache Software. He is actively involved with Open Source software, and is a committer for the UDDI4J API. Vivek hold a bachelor's degree in Electronics and master's degree in Computer Science. He lives and works in the San Francisco Bay Area, and can be contacted at vivek@soaprpc.com

L'auteur - Ben Galbraith

Ben Galbraith est développeur d'interfaces, principalement basées sur Ajax et Java.

L'auteur - Gotham Polisetty

Gotham is the founder and principal architect of Global Software Solutions, Inc. in Charlotte, North Carolina. Gotham currently consults for large fortune 500 companies and helps them architect complex distributed systems and solve problems related to the distribution of data and processing within these systems. Gotham has been involved in the IT industry since 1982 and consults extensively on the design and architectural issues involved in implementing large web based corporate ERP systems. Gotham Polisetty can be reached at gotham@glosoft.com

L'auteur - Brian P. Rickabaugh

Brian is a senior systems architect for a large global conglomerate in the financial, manufacturing and media industries. He is also president of StrayCat Incorporated , a small business focused primarily on software consulting services. He has been developing web-centric object-oriented software in C/C++ and Java for six years. He is also a huge proponent of open source software and the positive impact it can have on small, medium, and large organizations. His current focus is on XML and implementing Web Services technologies for internal and external systems integration. When he isn't developing software, he enjoys spending time with his girlfriend Renee and cat Chloe. Brian holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Information Systems from Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia.

L'auteur - John Turner

John Turner is an application developer and systems administrator in Detroit, Michigan, supporting the advertising and marketing campaigns of Fortune 50 clients. With over two decades of computer experience, John has designed and administered high-availability and fault-tolerant systems for the automotive, health care, and advertising industries. He coauthored the Apache Tomcat Security Handbook and is an Apache Group committer. He holds a bachelor’s degree in information systems. John’s industry interests include vintage hardware, open source, mobile computing, and wireless networking. His outside interests include farming, DIY projects, dogs, history, recycling, tattoos, travel, and music composition.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Wrox Press
Auteur(s) Vivek Chopra, Ben Galbraith, Gotham Polisetty, Brian P. Rickabaugh, John Turner
Parution 01/07/2003
Nb. de pages 230
Format 15 x 23
Couverture Broché
Poids 335g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9781861008305
ISBN13 978-1-861008-30-5

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