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Checking C  Programs with Lint
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Checking C  Programs with Lint

Checking C Programs with Lint

Ian F. Darwin

98 pages, parution le 01/01/1997


The lint program is one of the best tools for finding portability problems and certain types of coding errors in C programs. This handbook introduces you to lint, guides you through running it on your programs, and helps you interpret lint's output.

L'auteur - Ian F. Darwin

Ian Darwin has worked in the computer industry for three decades, with Unix since 1980, with Java since 1995, and with OpenBSD since 1998. He wrote the freeware file(1) command used on Linux and BSD and is the author of Checking C Programs with Lint, as well as over seventy articles and several courses (both university and commercial) on C and Unix over the years. In addition to programming and consulting, Ian teaches Unix, C and Java for Learning Tree International, one of the world's largest technical training companies.
Ian Darwin travaille dans l'industrie informatique depuis 30 ans, avec Unix depuis 1980, java depuis 1995 et openBSD depuis 1998. Il programme, écrit des articles et enseigne Unix, C et Java à Learning Tree International.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) O'Reilly
Auteur(s) Ian F. Darwin
Parution 01/01/1997
Nb. de pages 98
Format 13,9 x 21,5
Poids 130g
EAN13 9780937175309


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