Brent Michalski
Biographie de Brent Michalski
Brent Michalski discovered Perl around 1994 and has been programming with it ever since. He considers himself a "Pert freak" and loves sharing Perl with others. Brent mainly develops CGI applications because he enjoys the Web so much. He has written articles for Web Review, and currently maintains the Perl area on the Dr. Dobb's JournalWeb site. Brent is a senior developer at MasterCard International where they let him play with Perl every day.
Livres de Brent Michalski
Auteur : Brent Michalski
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 15/11/2002
Auteurs : Kevin Meltzer, Brent Michalski
Éditeur : Addison Wesley
Date de parution : 15/03/2001