Christopher Knight
Biographie de Christopher Knight
is Founder and Managing Editor of internet.com's ISP-Lists.com, the world's largest consortia of ISP Email Discussion List communities with over 60,000 members worldwide. He is also CEO of SparkLIST.com LLC and President of the Email List-Universe.com Network, which deliver services for e-mail list owners and e-mail newsletter publishers. A frequent speaker at major ISP-related conferences, Knight has also written for the ISP magazines Boardwatch and ISP Today on marketing strategies, along with a weekly ISP business column for ISP-Planet.com.
Livres de Christopher Knight
Auteur : Christopher Knight
Éditeur : J'ai lu
Date de parution : 28/10/2005
Expédié sous 9 jours
9,50 €
Auteur : Christopher Knight
Éditeur : J'ai lu
Date de parution : 22/09/2008
Indisponible définitivement
Auteur : Christopher Knight
Éditeur : Dervy
Date de parution : 06/11/2000
Indisponible provisoirement
Auteur : Christopher Knight
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 10/02/2000