Dirk Slama
Biographie de Dirk Slama
Having spent the last ten years at the forefront of distributed computing technology, Dirk has developed an in-depth understanding of enterprise software architectures and their application in a variety of industry verticals. Dirk was a senior consultant with IONA Technologies, working with Fortune 500 customers in Europe, America, and Asia on large-scale software integration projects. After this, Dirk set up his own company, Shinka Technologies, which successfully developed one of the first XML-based Web services middleware products, starting as early as 1999.
Dirk holds an MSc in computer sciences from TU-Berlin and an MBA from IMD in Lausanne. He is a co-author of Enterprise CORBA (Prentice Hall, 1999), the leading book on CORBA-based system architectures. Dirk is currently working as a solution architect for Computer Sciences Corporation in Zurich, Switzerland.
Livres de Dirk Slama
Auteurs : Dirk Krafzig, Karl Banke, Dirk Slama
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 07/12/2004
Auteur : Dirk Slama
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 19/03/1999