H.A. Schaeffer Jr
Biographie de H.A. Schaeffer Jr
H. A. SCHAEFFER Jr., CCE, CEW, is President of D&H Credit Services, Inc., a credit and financial customer service consulting firm to all sizes of manufacturers, wholesalers, government agencies, and credit organizations located in Port Washington, N.Y. He has served as a credit consultant for a number of midsize companies as well as Fortune 500 companies, including Bausch & Lomb and Mobil, Inc. He has taught credit courses for the American Management Association (AMA), the National Association of Credit Management (NACM), and Dun & Bradstreet. He has also taught customized courses for Fortune 500 companies and noncredit organizations.
Livres de H.A. Schaeffer Jr
Auteur : H.A. Schaeffer Jr
Éditeur : Wiley
Date de parution : 01/01/2000