Haim Kilov
Biographie de Haim Kilov
HAIM KILOV is Chief Consulting Architect, Business Modeling, and a member of the Strategic Enterprise Solutions (SES) group at IONA Technologies. Widely known as an authority on the capture and modeling of business and systems requirements for large-scale information systems, Kilov is a major contributor to OMG and ISO standards in these areas. He is author of Business Specifications: The Key to Successful Software Engineering (Prentice Hall PTR).
Livres de Haim Kilov
Auteur : Haim Kilov
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 15/07/2002
Auteur : Haim Kilov
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 10/12/1998