John E. Swanke
Biographie de John E. Swanke
has worked with Visual C++ and MFC for over five years, creating applications from CAD systems to network management and computer telephony. He is an accomplished author, having written articles on topics that range from reverse engineering to portability issues. John is currently a program developer and software consultant and can be reached at
Livres de John E. Swanke
Auteur : John E. Swanke
Éditeur : R & D Books
Date de parution : 26/05/2000
Auteur : John E. Swanke
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 15/09/1999
Auteur : John E. Swanke
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 27/11/1998