Michael Lennox
Biographie de Michael Lennox
is a writer, teacher, and designer who has been working
with computer graphics for the past 12 years. As a
Certified Technical Trainer, he has provided Photoshop
training for dozens of companies, including IBM, Intel, and
Netscape. He specializes in Photoshop and AutoCAD. He is an
Adobe Certified Training Provider in Photoshop and helped
design the Photoshop 5.0 proficiency exam for certification
by Adobe. In addition, he co-authored the Adobe
Photoshop 5.0 Certification Guide for Adobe
Livres de Michael Lennox
Auteur : Michael Lennox
Éditeur : First
Date de parution : 22/04/2000
Auteur : Michael Lennox
Éditeur : HAYDEN
Date de parution : 15/09/1999