Rajiv Ramaswami
Biographie de Rajiv Ramaswami
has been involved in the research and development of optical networks for about nine years. He was with IBM Research's optical networking group from 1989-1996 and is now a director at Tellabs, Inc., responsible for developing optical communication products. He has a Ph.D. in EECS from the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the recipient of an outstanding innovation award from IBM fro his role in developing an early commercial 20-wavelength optical fiber transmission system.
Livres de Rajiv Ramaswami
Auteurs : Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N. Sivarajan
Éditeur : Morgan Kaufmann
Date de parution : 31/10/2001
Auteurs : Rajiv Ramaswami, Kumar N. Sivarajan
Éditeur : Morgan Kaufmann
Date de parution : 10/02/1998