Ralph Morelli
Biographie de Ralph Morelli
is an Associate Professor of computer science at Trinity
College in Hartford, CT. He has published articles on
expert systems, the Web, educational software, and
computing resources, and has coedited a book on artificial
intelligence. He has been a recipient of two National
Science Foundation Research Opportunity Awards and is a
member of numerous professional organizations including the
Association for Computing Machinery and Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility.
Livres de Ralph Morelli
Auteurs : Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde
Éditeur : Pearson
Date de parution : 31/01/2006
Auteur : Ralph Morelli
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 17/12/2002
Auteur : Ralph Morelli
Éditeur : Prentice Hall
Date de parution : 10/12/1999
Auteurs : Ralph Morelli, Dina Anselmi, W.Miller Brown, Karl Haberlandt
Éditeur : Ablex
Date de parution : 10/09/1992