Regis J. Bates
Biographie de Regis J. Bates
has more than 30 years of experience in telecommunications and management information systems. He oversees the overall operation of TC International Consulting Inc., in Phoenix, Arizona, a full-service management consulting organization specializing in the design and integration of information technologies. The primary services offered through the company include telecommunications services. In the business community, TC International Consulting has been proactive in assessing the strategic development and implementation of new technologies Mr. Bates has designed several data processing centers and orchestrated the moves to these centers in record-breaking time. His experiences have also been used in major network designs from local area networks (LANs) to wide area networks (WANs), using high-quality all-digital transmission services ITT, T3, and now SONET
Livres de Regis J. Bates
Auteur : Regis J. Bates
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 25/04/2002
Auteur : Regis J. Bates
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 20/12/2001
Auteur : Regis J. Bates
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 15/09/2001
Auteur : Regis J. Bates
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 15/03/2001
Auteurs : Regis J. Bates, Zeecil Kimmel
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 01/11/2000
Auteur : Regis J. Bates
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 15/01/2000
Auteur : Regis J. Bates
Éditeur : Mc Graw Hill
Date de parution : 10/12/1999