Ron Jeffries
Biographie de Ron Jeffries
Ron Jeffries was the on-site XP coach for the original
ExtE?n , iae Programming project, a large financial system
for a major
automotive manufacturer. An independent consultant who bas
been involved in eXtreme Programming for more than
years, he has presented numerous ulks and published several
papers on the topic. Ron has been a systems developer
more years than most of you have been alive, and his teams
have built operating systems, compilers, relational
systems, and a wide range of applications. He bas not, as
yet, run out of new ways to make mistakes (and resolve
Ron bas recently joined forces with Object Mentor, Inc., to
help more people
improve their software process.
Livres de Ron Jeffries
Auteurs : Ron Jeffries, Ann Anderson, Chet Hendrickson
Éditeur : Addison Wesley
Date de parution : 01/10/2000