Warren J. Ewens
Biographie de Warren J. Ewens
Warren J. Ewens holds the Christopher H. Brown Distinguished Professorship at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of two books, Population Genetics and Mathematical Population Genetics. He is a senior editor of Annals of Human Genetics and has served on the editorial boards of Theoretical Population Biology, GENETICS, Proceedings of the Royal Society B and SIAM Journal in Mathematical Biology. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and the Australian Academy of Science.
Livres de Warren J. Ewens
Auteurs : Warren J. Ewens, Gregory R. Grant
Éditeur : Springer
Date de parution : 21/03/2005
Auteur : Warren J. Ewens
Éditeur : Springer
Date de parution : 13/02/2004
Auteurs : Warren J. Ewens, Ewens, Gregory R. Grant
Éditeur : Springer
Date de parution : 01/05/2001