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Go Team!
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Go Team!

Go Team!

Take Your Team to the Next Level

Ken Blanchard, W. Alan Randolph, Peter Grazier

Parution le 19/09/2005


In Go Team!, Ken Blanchard, Alan Randolph, and Peter Grazier show that moving key decisions closer to the front line and learning a new way of working in teams makes good business sense. They provide a three-step process for creating teams that release their members' power--power that comes from their knowledge, experience, and internal motivation.

All of us in the today's workforce are called upon more and more to work effectively in teams. But do you know how to build a team that truly takes advantage of the knowledge, experience, and motivation of its members? Most of us don't, and we quickly become frustrated, give up, and opt to go it alone-not a good solution in today's business environment. Fortunately, there is a better way. Here, expert authors Ken Blanchard, Alan Randolph, and Peter Grazier outline a 3-step process that will help you transform any kind of team into a Next-Level Team-one that uses all team members' ideas and motivation more effectively, makes better use of team members' and team leaders' time, and generates benefits for individual team members, the team, and the organization.

Designed as a working guide filled with detailed instructions for people who want to build high performing teams, Go Team! will lead you, step by step, to great results.

Through discussions, case examples, and questions to consider, you and your teammates will learn how to share information to build high levels of trust and responsibility; set clear boundaries to create the freedom for team members to act responsibly; and develop self-managing skills to make good team decisions. With Go Team! as a guide, you'll find that working in a team can be fun, satisfying, and highly productive.

L'auteur - Ken Blanchard

Ken Blanchard - Ken est l'un des experts ès leadership les plus influents au inonde, coauteur du best-seller culte Le Manager Minute et de 60 autres livres dont les ventes combinées s'élèvent à plus de 21 millions d'exemplaires. Ses ouvrages ont été traduits en plus de 27 langues. En 2005, il a été intronisé au Tableau d'honneur Amazon parmi les 25 auteurs ayant réalisé les meilleures ventes de tous les temps. Il est également cofondateur et président de The Ken Blanchard Companies®, cabinet international de conseil et de formation. Quand il n'est pas en train d'écrire ou de faire des conférences, Ken enseigne dans le cadre du master de l'Executive Leadership Program de l'université de San Diego.

Autres livres de Ken Blanchard


  • Understanding Next-Level Teams--A Picture of Your Future
  • Step 1: Begin Learning Next-Level Skills
    • Use Information to Build Responsibility
    • Clarify Boundaries to Create Focused Action
    • Act Like a Team to Promote Shared Involvement
  • Step 2: Accelerate the Change
    • Share More Information to Enhance Trust
    • Widen the Boundaries to Promote Greater Freedom for Action
    • Make Team Decisions to Create a Sense of Power
  • Step 3: Master the Skills
    • Use Information to Drive Great Results
    • Replace Boundaries with Vision and Values
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Berrett-Koehler
Auteur(s) Ken Blanchard, W. Alan Randolph, Peter Grazier
Parution 19/09/2005
Format 15 x 22
Couverture Relié
Poids 330g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9781576752623
ISBN13 978-1-57675-262-3

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