Evolving Cosmos - Govert Schilling - Librairie Eyrolles

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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Evolving Cosmos

Evolving Cosmos

Govert Schilling

135 pages, parution le 14/12/2004


We are children of the cosmos. The atoms in our bodies originate in the interiors of other stars, and we cannot regard our existence separately from the evolution of the universe, without the Big Bang and the formation of galaxies, planets and organic molecules, we simply would not have happened.

In this fascinating book, Dutch science journalist Govert Schilling takes the reader on a whirlwind journey through time. He describes the evolution of the Cosmos, from the beginning of space and time fourteen billion years ago, to the creation of the Earth and humankind. The book ends with a glance into the distant future of the universe, because the here and now are only fleeting moments in its biography. A combination of compelling text and breathtaking photographs provides an impressive vision of the place of Man in the cosmos.

  • Presents the latest insights in astronomy as a coherent whole
  • Contains amazing photographs never published before
  • For the first time, tells the story of the universe in chronological order
  • A fascinating view of the place of humankind in space and time

L'auteur - Govert Schilling

GOVERT SCHILLING is a Dutch science writer and astronomy publicist. He is a contributing editor of Sky & Telescope magazine, and regularly writes for the news sections of science and New scientist. He is also the astronomy writer for De Volkskrant, one of the largest daily newspapers in the Netherlands, and frequently talks about the Universe on Dutch radio broadcasts. He has written numerous books on a wide variety of astronomical subjects, including Flash/The Hunt for the Biggest Explosions in the Universe (Cambridge 2002). in 2002 he was awarded the prestigious Dutch Eureka! prize for his work in popularising science.


Autres livres de Govert Schilling


  • Foreword by Cornells de Jager
  • Creation
  • Contraction
  • Ordering
  • Birth
  • Recycling
  • Growth
  • Moulding
  • Evolution
  • Development
  • Completion
  • Illustrations
  • Index
Voir tout

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Cambridge University Press
Auteur(s) Govert Schilling
Parution 14/12/2004
Nb. de pages 135
Format 24 x 29
Couverture Relié
Poids 1034g
Intérieur Quadri
EAN13 9780521833257
ISBN13 978-0-521-83325-7

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