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The Extravagant Universe
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

The Extravagant Universe

The Extravagant Universe

Exploding Stars Dark Energy and The Accelerating Cosmos

Robert P. Kirshner

294 pages, parution le 06/12/2002


One of the world's leading astronomers tells the story of unlocking an astonishing cosmic secret. Supernova expert Robert Kirshner brings readers inside a lively research team on the quest that led them to an extraordinary cosmological discovery: the expansion of the universe is accelerating under the influence of a dark energy that makes space itself expand.

Measurements of light from exploding stars--some of them halfway across the universe--let these astronomers trace the history of cosmic expansion. The results have been amazing. Instead of a universe slowing down due to gravity as theory predicted, observations reveal a universe whose expansion is speeding up. This measurement of dark energy--a quality of space itself that causes cosmic acceleration--points to a gaping hole in our understanding of fundamental physics.

In 1917, Einstein proposed the "cosmological constant" to explain a static universe. When observations proved that the universe was expanding, he cast this early form of dark energy aside. But recent observations described first-hand in this book show that the cosmological constant--or something just like it--dominates the universe's mass and energy budget and determines its fate and shape.

Warned by Einstein's blunder, and contradicted by the initial results of a competing research team, Kirshner and his colleagues were reluctant to accept their own result. But, convinced by evidence built on their hard-earned understanding of exploding stars, they announced their conclusion that the universe is accelerating in February 1998. Other lines of inquiry and parallel supernova research now support a new synthesis of a cosmos dominated by dark energy but also containing several forms of dark matter. We live in an extravagant universe with a surprising number of essential ingredients: the real universe we measure is not the simplest one we could imagine.

This book invites any reader to share in the excitement of a remarkable adventure of discovery.


  1. The Big Picture
  2. Violent Agents of Cosmic Change
  3. Another Way to Explode
  4. Einstein Adds a Constant
  5. Cosmic Expansion
  6. What Time Is It ?
  7. A Hot Day in Holmdel
  8. Learning to Swim
  9. Getting It First
  10. Getting It Right
  11. The Smoking Gun ?

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Princeton University Press
Auteur(s) Robert P. Kirshner
Parution 06/12/2002
Nb. de pages 294
Format 16,2 x 24,3
Couverture Relié
Poids 595g
Intérieur Noir et Blanc
EAN13 9780691058627


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