Mitchell Levy
Biographie de Mitchell Levy
Mitchell Levy is President of ECnow, a high-end
electronic commerce consulting firm that is focused on
strategic consulting and Internet marketing. He helps
companies of all sizes in developing strategies for
harvesting the power of the Internet. His clients include
numerous domestic and international corporations, such as
Miller Freeman, Netscape, GTEI, Mindspring, and
Mr. Levy also publishes a monthly e-zine, ECMgt, that
covers e-commerce strategy, trends and news. This e-zine
contains news roundups and articles about some of the
world's top e-commerce visionaries, educators, and
corporate executives. Readership includes a wide range of
companies, from Oracle and Sony, to Visa and Yahoo, as well
as online readers who want to keep up with the latest news
and trends.
Livres de Mitchell Levy
Auteur : Mitchell Levy
Éditeur : New Riders
Date de parution : 01/01/2001