Credit risk analysis - Sylvain Grossenbacher - Librairie Eyrolles
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Credit risk analysis
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Credit risk analysis

Credit risk analysis

Development and application of a self-constructed internal rating system based on classical approaches

Sylvain Grossenbacher - Collection Books on demand

120 pages, parution le 23/12/2014


The purpose of credit analysis is to assess the risk grade associated with a creditor who might not be able to fulfill a credit obligation. Banks, financial institutions, or other counterparties providing credit expect to be reimbursed in full and on time while earning a decent return on investment that should reflect the risk assumed. This theory can be applied to all forms of credit, from investments in debt instruments to loans, derivative contracts, and letters of credit. Credit risk measurement and management has been evolving rapidly in recent years in response to several key factors, such as the upheaval of the global economy. That situation has implied an increasing focus on credit risk, its measurement, and its management. The aim of this book is thus to review the classical approaches of credit risk measurement and management, to analyze the new trends and developments in the area and finally to develop a self-constructed internal rating system based on classical approaches and new developments. The three methods used will then be compared and discussed with practical examples on four soft commodities trading companies.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Books on demand
Auteur(s) Sylvain Grossenbacher
Collection Books on demand
Parution 23/12/2014
Nb. de pages 120
Format 15.5 x 22
Couverture Broché
Poids 203g
EAN13 9782322012411


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