Summary: the other 90% - Businessnews Publishing - Librairie Eyrolles
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Summary: the other 90%
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Summary: the other 90%

Summary: the other 90%

Review and analysis of cooper's book

Businessnews Publishing - Collection Business book summaries

44 pages, parution le 14/09/2016


The must-read summary of Robert Cooper's book: "The Other 90%: How to Unlock Your Vast Untapped Potential for Leadership and Life".

This complete summary of the ideas from Robert Cooper's book "The Other 90%" is based on the fact that human beings only use a fraction of the potential power of their personal intelligence and spirit - 10% or less. That means there is at least another 90% of unused capacity that, if tapped into, could be harnessed to achieve much more. In his book, the author explains that the key to achieving more is finding new and creative ways to exploit that other 90%. This summary will help you discover how to do that and enable you to find the inner capabilities that you didn't know you had.

Added-value of this summary:
- Save time
- Understand key concepts
- Expand your skills

To learn more, read "The Other 90%" and discover the key to unlocking your full potential.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Busi Book Sum
Auteur(s) Businessnews Publishing
Collection Business book summaries
Parution 14/09/2016 29/09/2014
Nb. de pages 44 15
Format 12 x 18 -
Couverture Broché -
Poids 55g -
Contenu - ePub
EAN13 9782511046081 9782511016749


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