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After Effects Most Wanted
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

After Effects Most Wanted

After Effects Most Wanted

Collectif d'auteurs

220 pages, parution le 14/10/2002


So you've a copy of After Effects and an idea of what this professional motion graphics and effects tool can do...but what can you really do with After Effects? How far can you push it? What are the best effects that you can create? What are the essential skills and techniques that you need to really make your creations stand out?
After Effects Most Wanted answers these questions in a refreshing and practical way. Looking at a wide variety of projects the original artists tell you why, and exactly how they created their masterpieces.
The authors, all professionals who use After Effects to make a living, share with you the secrets of their successes and extend beyond that to give you the reasons why they did things the way that they did.
More so than that, the accompanying CD has their creations available at your fingertips and the simple, step-by-step instructions in the book show you how they created these pieces.
The projects covered are diverse, from a television commercial for McDonald's and Coca-Cola by Peter Reynolds, to a thought provoking work by renowned and controversial artist Simon Tsyko, a work featured by Adobe in their motion gallery.
Other authors include: Chris James Hewitt, whose Relokation Ne is the a featured work on the BD4D (By Designers For Designers) web site, Christian Darkin, a digital video journalist and author, and Mark Towse, who offers two pieces, one for TV, one for the cinema.
Without long, redundant discussions of tools and application packages, After Effects Most Wanted is a book that delivers the techniques, skills, and effects that will let you bring your creations to life.


  1. I'd Buy That For a Dollar: Reflections, Shadows and 3D
  2. Extreme FX: Multiple video dips and Morphing
  3. Video Art, Let's Dance: Split-screen FX and Video Choreography
  4. Eat Static: Relokation Ne- Abstract animation, Sound sync and T
  5. Jenovah: Advanced Layering
  6. I'm Sorry Dave, I'm Afraid I Can't Do That: Layering and Opacity, Giving 2D animation real depth
  7. Horror of Horrors: Amazing transitions
  8. How to Resurrect a Dead Fish: Bringing 3D models into and out of reality, including special text FX

L'avis du libraire Eyrolles

Etude de cas ! Telle est la doctrine de cet ouvrage en anglais qui vous fera découvrir et manipuler les effets les plus recherchés avec After Effects, logiciel de création d'animation et d'effets visuels.

L'auteur - Collectif d'auteurs

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Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Friendsof ED
Auteur(s) Collectif d'auteurs
Parution 14/10/2002
Nb. de pages 220
Format 20,5 x 23
Couverture Broché
Poids 625g
Intérieur Quadri
EAN13 9781904344025
ISBN13 978-1-904344-02-5

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