Summary: if you build it will they come? - Businessnews Publishing - Librairie Eyrolles
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Summary: if you build it will they come?
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Summary: if you build it will they come?

Summary: if you build it will they come?

Review and analysis of adams' book

Businessnews Publishing - Collection Business book summaries

42 pages, parution le 16/09/2016


The must-read summary of Rob Adams' book: "If You Build It Will They Come? Three Steps to Test and Validate Any Market Opportunity".

This complete summary of the ideas from Rob Adams' book "If You Build It Will They Come?" shows that successful entrepreneurs don't just plunge in without doing their research: before investing money they prove that a market exists, and that the market is commercially viable. This summary demonstrates that though this process is crucial, it need not be too difficult or time-consuming. A robust market validation process takes about 60-days and involves three steps: figure out whether or not your idea is worth pursuing by objectively evaluating your idea and the size of the potential market (2-3 days); reach out to your market and systematically gather data from multiple sources on what your future customers think of your idea (50 days); follow through and blast into the market by using the data you've gathered to launch, market and sell your product the smart way (7-8 days). He takes the reader through specific steps in the process, and the questions an entrepreneur should ask. 

Added-value of this summary: 
- Save time 
- Understand the key concepts 
- Increase your business knowledge 

To learn more, read "If You Build It Will They Come?" and discover a blueprint for savvy, common sense investment.

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Busi Book Sum
Auteur(s) Businessnews Publishing
Collection Business book summaries
Parution 16/09/2016
Nb. de pages 42
Format 12 x 18
Couverture Broché
Poids 53g
EAN13 9782511048535


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