Summary: getting business to come to you - Businessnews Publishing - Librairie Eyrolles
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Summary: getting business to come to you
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Librairie Eyrolles - Paris 5e

Summary: getting business to come to you

Summary: getting business to come to you

Review and analysis of edwards, edwards and douglas' book

Businessnews Publishing - Collection Business book summaries

44 pages, parution le 14/09/2016


The must-read summary of Paul and Sarah Edwards and Laura C. Douglas' book: "Getting Business to Come to You: Everything You Need to Do Your Own Advertising & Sales Promotions".

This complete summary of the ideas from Paul and Sarah Edwards and Laura C. Douglas' book "Getting Business To Come To You" shows that the only truly essential element for a successful business is having enough people to buy your product or service week after week. In other words, marketing is the life blood of any business. Marketing does not necessarily require you to be on the road. The authors suggest that there are effective ways of maintaining a business profile, so that people come to do business with you of their own accord. This requires an effective, high profile strategy that any business can develop for themselves if they use the right techniques. There's no single magic strategy that works for every business. Marketing will always be an ongoing, experimental process that in the final analysis must stand or fall on its own merits. The key is not to rely on any one method exclusively, but to have a wide range of marketing activities underway all the time.

Added-value of this summary: 
- Save time 
- Understand the key concepts 
- Increase your business knowledge 

To learn more, read "Getting Business To Come To You" and discover how to grow your business. 

Caractéristiques techniques

Éditeur(s) Busi Book Sum
Auteur(s) Businessnews Publishing
Collection Business book summaries
Parution 14/09/2016
Nb. de pages 44
Format 12 x 18
Couverture Broché
Poids 55g
EAN13 9782511047941


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